Flaman COVID-19 Updates

Saskatchewan Operational Updates

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Mandatory Masks:
Effective Friday, September 17, 2021 an interim province-wide mandatory masking order will be implemented for all indoor public spaces.
Indoor public spaces are any enclosed space other than a private home or dwelling. This may include but is not exclusive to workplaces, retail locations, recreational venues, eating and dining establishments and professional buildings.


Stores Now nolonger requiring masks
Effective July 12th following provincial guidelines masks are no longer mandatory at our Saskatchewan and Alberta stores.


Stores Now Open to the Public
Effective May 4th our Saskatchewan and Manitoba stores are re-opening to the public to serve our customers better. We ask all customers to please follow our safety precautions when visiting us in store for the safety of everyone: please use the hand sanitizer we supply at the front entrance and maintain a 6 foot separation from staff and other customers. If you prefer to shop from home, we are still offering phone orders and curbside pickup or delivery options.

  • Stores will undergo cleaning on a daily and weekly basis
  • Each store has a traffic limit based on size, and a 6-foot limit in-between customers and front line staff
  • Dedicated public bathrooms will be available
  • Customers will be limited to the showroom and restricted from other parts of the building
    • Please note that our Fitness equipment showrooms in Prince Albert and Moosomin will remain closed at this time
  • Anyone presenting with COVID-19-like symptoms will not be permitted into the store
  • Staff will continue to self monitor for COVID-19-like symptoms and anyone feeling sick is asked to stay at home

Our hours of operation are also changing. We are now open again on Saturdays. For the specific hours at each store, please visit our location page here.


New Process for Renting
For the safety of our staff and customers, we have implemented a new Rental Procedure at our corporate locations to minimize contact but still allow for a convenient and smooth rental process. Please visit our Rental website here for the new process to follow when renting, as well as what you need to rent from us.


Now Offering Curbside Service
Despite our buildings being closed to the public, we're still open for business - just in a different way. We call it Curbside Service.

What is Curbside Service? Come to our locations and stay in your vehicle and we will come to you. Our lots are open for viewing and picking up equipment, but our buildings are closed to the public.
How does this work? Call ahead or call the store when you are at the lot, and we will come outside and chat (at the appropriate social distance) and conduct any business that needs to be done curbside in the lot. The health and safety of our staff and our customers are our first priority, which is why these measures are in place. Products are still available to be rented, equipment can be viewed, showcased and picked up. The difference is now you just do it from the convenience of your vehicle. Additionally home product deliveries may be available, call your local store to obtain details for your area. Our stores' contact info and hours can be found here.


Changes to Store Hours
All Saskatchewan and Manitoba locations will be open from 8 am to 5 pm, Mon-Fri and closed on weekends.

Increased Health and Safety Measures
Our number one concern is the health of our staff, customers and their families. Here are some additional health and safety measures being put in place at our locations:

  • Employees who can work from home are being encouraged to do so, to mitigate any chance of exposure.
  • Employees are being reminded about proper hygiene and hand sanitizer and cleansing wipes are being made readily available in store.
  • We have contacted our cleaners to ensure extra steps are taken so all stores are properly cleaned and disinfected.
  • We implemented a strict self-isolation policy for staff returning from travel, before it was mandated by the government. Any staff returning from another country must self-isolate for 14 days for any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, difficulty breathing.)
  • Our service teams are being extra vigilant in hand washing and using hand sanitizer when they have direct contact with customers' equipment.

Alberta Operational Updates

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Click here to return to the Trailers website


Masks are mandatory
In all indoor public spaces, workplaces and places of worship, including eligible businesses that implement the Restriction Exemption Program.


Stores Now nolonger requiring masks
Effective July 12th following provincial guidelines masks are no longer mandatory at our Alberta and Saskatchewan stores.


Alberta Stores Now Open to the Public
Our Nisku, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat stores are now open to the public in a limited capacity. We will be limiting the number of people in the store at one time, and we ask that you please wait until you can be served by a salesperson or parts person. When you arrive at the store you may have a short wait before you can enter. Thank you for your patience as we continue to practice safe social distancing.


New Process for Renting
For the safety of our staff and customers, we have implemented a new Rental Procedure at our corporate locations to minimize contact but still allow for a convenient and smooth rental process. Please visit our Rental website here for the new process to follow when renting, as well as what you need to rent from us.


Trailer Sales Suspended in Edmonton (Yellowhead Trail)
Trailer sales, along with rentals and service, are no longer being offered at our Edmonton - Yellowhead Trail location until further notice. Please call our Nisku store for all your Trailer sales and service needs. This location is still offering fitness equipment sales.


Now Offering Curbside Service
Despite our buildings being closed to the public, we're still open for business - just in a different way. We call it Curbside Service.

What is Curbside Service? Come to our locations and stay in your vehicle and we will come to you. Our lots are open for viewing and picking up equipment, but our buildings are closed to the public.
How does this work? Call ahead or call the store when you are at the lot, and we will come outside and chat (at the appropriate social distance) and conduct any business that needs to be done curbside in the lot. The health and safety of our staff and our customers are our first priority, which is why these measures are in place. Products are still available to be rented, equipment can be viewed, showcased and picked up. The difference is now you just do it from the convenience of your vehicle. Additionally home product deliveries may be available, call your local store to obtain details for your area. Our stores' contact info and hours can be found here.


Changes to Store Hours
The following stores have reduced their hours:

  • Nisku: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, closed Saturday and Sunday
  • Medicine Hat: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, closed Saturday and Sunday
  • Lethbridge: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, closed Saturday and Sunday

Increased Health and Safety Measures
Our number one concern is the health of our staff, customers and their families. Here are some additional health and safety measures being put in place at our locations:

  • Employees who can work from home are being encouraged to do so, to mitigate any chance of exposure.
  • Employees are being reminded about proper hygiene and hand sanitizer and cleansing wipes are being made readily available in store.
  • We have contacted our cleaners to ensure extra steps are taken so all stores are properly cleaned and disinfected.
  • We implemented a strict self-isolation policy for staff returning from travel, before it was mandated by the government. Any staff returning from another country must self-isolate for 14 days for any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, difficulty breathing.)
  • Our service teams are being extra vigilant in hand washing and using hand sanitizer when they have direct contact with customers' equipment.

Rentals Suspended in Edmonton (Yellowhead Trail)
Our rental services are no longer being offered at our Edmonton - Yellowhead Trail location until further notice. Please call our Nisku store for all your rental needs.

Public Health Notice Regarding COVID-19

We'd like to remind you that some of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of disease are:

  • Washing your hands regularly. Wash your hands after using the restroom, touching your face, eating, drinking, coughing, or sneezing, and at regular intervals throughout the day. Use warm soapy water and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Alternatively, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective.
  • Following proper cough and sneeze hygiene. Cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or your elbow — not your hand — and discard the tissue immediately after
  • Staying at home if you are sick.

COVID-19 Federal Assistance Programs

We've collected some helpful links regarding the programs that the federal government has initiated to assist businesses and individuals through the pandemic:

  • The CBC has a great interactive article that collects and sorts the various financial assistance programs from the federal and provincial governments.
  • Other federal government initiatives are here

Avoid layoffs

Access to credit

Supporting financial market liquidity

More flexibility

Additional Business Resources

Provincial Updates







New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Newfoundland and Labrador

Yukon Territory

Northwest Territories
